Financial Staffing Solutions | recruitment | accountancy recruitment | interviewLast time, we looked at the first of three important interview questions.  This week focuses on the second:  “What can you do for us that other candidates can’t?”

This is your opportunity to show the interviewer how enthusiastic you are!  Show them that you love the sound of the job, you’re interested in the company and you can’t wait to work there!  Any potential employer wants to see how excited you are about the prospect of joining their firm.  So give them what they want to see!!

The truth is, other candidates probably have similar financial skills and accounting experience to you – so you need to really set yourself apart.  And a great way to do that is to gather as much knowledge about the firm as you possibly can.

Do your homework before the interview so that you’re really clued up.  Then you can confidently demonstrate that you’ve researched the company – and the relevant department, if possible.  Show an understanding of its strategy, structure, history and how it’s currently performing.  Tell them how much you love their products or can relate to the services they offer.

Other candidates might not have bothered to prepare themselves well, so you can shine using your knowledge of what the company offers.  And when asked what you can do that others can’t, you’ll be able to relate your financial skills and experience to the insightful company knowledge you’ve already gained.

Enthusiasm is contagious!  If you can speak about the company with authority as well as showing that you really can’t wait to join, your passion will certainly impress them.

If you’re not sure how to relate your skills and experience to a new position, ask us about interview prep advice…  Email

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