When it comes to recruiting a new member of staff, advertising the position directly via a job board or social media has become the norm. Yet the reality is that by posting an advert for a new member of your financial team, you open yourself up to a bucket-load of extra work.

You can expect to receive hundreds of applications from many candidates, with very few meeting your criteria in terms of skill set, location and salary. In order to source the few suitable candidates, you need to spend many hours sifting through the chaff.  You then need to make initial contact with each candidate and refine your selection again before you have even interviewed a single person.  And in the meantime, you still have your own job to get on with.

So is it really cost- and time-effective to rely on the Internet for your recruiting needs?  If you’re still not sure how a recruitment consultant saves you time and resources, call Paul today on 020 8532 2644.  He’ll chat through the benefits so you can make an informed decision about the right recruiting methods for you.

(We’re on Twitter, of course – and we’d love to see you there!) –

We’ve noticed a marked increase in the number of solicitors firms recruiting accounting staff with Solicitors’ Accounts Rules experience.   Across London and through Essex, it’s being demanded for vacancies ranging from junior legal cashiers right up to senior qualified accountants!

Job roles requesting this experience include reviewing the structure of established accounts departments and installing new systems, processes and controls. With some firms historically struggling to ensure compliance with the Solicitors Regulation Authority accounts rules, there seems to be a conscious effort to make sure this area now meets its requirements.

In fact, many firms are choosing to appoint a qualified accountant as its dedicated Compliance Officer for Finance & Administration rather than employing a fee earning partner for that role.  This is resulting in a general upgrade in many finance departments as staff are able to provide more information of a better quality – so the practice runs more efficiently!

If you’d like more information about the trends in finance recruitment, including current salary guides, call Paul today on 020 8532 2644.

When we’re interviewed, the other person subconsciously only listens to 7% of what we’re saying!  What??!  I can almost hear your disbelief from our Essex offices.  But it’s true.  93% of the message we deliver is via body language.  So if you’re being interviewed for one of our financial roles, it’s crucial to aware of what you’re really telling your prospective boss.

Maintain an easy, friendly stance by following these top three simple rules:

  • Keep your hands on the table or on your lap and avoid fidgeting
  • Stay in control of your tone of voice and try not to speak too quickly
  • Most importantly – smile!

And if you’re the one doing the interviewing, bear in mind that the candidate is likely to be nervous.  Spend a few minutes making them feel relaxed by chatting about something in their comfort zone.  A simple question about their journey or the oh-so-typical weather usually does the trick, followed by an introduction to something outstanding on their CV.

Watch them become relaxed and animated as they discuss things they’re passionate and knowledgeable about; hone in on those topics to create a more dynamic interview that will allow you to bring out their personality.  After all, as well as someone with the right skills or experience, you’re looking for someone you’ll really enjoy working with.

If you’re seeking a new job in the accountancy or financial field and would like to brush up on your interview skills, give us a call on 020 8532 2644.

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