Running your legal practice more efficiently with qualified financial staff
We’ve noticed a marked increase in the number of solicitors firms recruiting accounting staff with Solicitors’ Accounts Rules experience. Across London and through Essex, it’s being demanded for vacancies ranging from junior legal cashiers right up to senior qualified accountants!
Job roles requesting this experience include reviewing the structure of established accounts departments and installing new systems, processes and controls. With some firms historically struggling to ensure compliance with the Solicitors Regulation Authority accounts rules, there seems to be a conscious effort to make sure this area now meets its requirements.
In fact, many firms are choosing to appoint a qualified accountant as its dedicated Compliance Officer for Finance & Administration rather than employing a fee earning partner for that role. This is resulting in a general upgrade in many finance departments as staff are able to provide more information of a better quality – so the practice runs more efficiently!
If you’d like more information about the trends in finance recruitment, including current salary guides, call Paul today on 020 8532 2644.
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