Financial Staffing Solutions | recruitment | accountancy recruitment | interviewWe’ve looked in depth at a couple of key interview questions: why should we hire you? and what can you do for us that other candidates can’t? The third question you must be prepared for relates to how well the interviewer feels you’ll fit into the team, company and overall culture of the organisation.  So, what are your key strengths? This question explores your personality.  Each company has its own culture, leading to a style of working and staff behaviour.  It’s like the proverbial jigsaw – this is the part of the interview where you can show you’re a perfect fit. Having done your homework, you’ll hopefully have gained at least a little knowledge about the company’s culture.  So thinking about your own personality, you can plan your answers in line with your interviewer’s expectations.  The following are typical examples of questions you can prepare for in advance.

  • How would you describe yourself?
    Show your passion for your work.  Describe yourself from a business perspective so the interviewer can feed off your enthusiasm. Focusing on your employment skills gives you the chance to show off the traits they’re looking for without taking it to a personal level.
  • How would your colleagues describe you?
    This is especially good if you’re shy about blowing your own trumpet. You can raise the key points of honesty, efficiency and a hard working ethic without feeling embarrassed.
  • Why do you think you’ll fit into our company?
    Having researched the firm, apply your strong personal skills to what you’ve learned about them.

Remember throughout that you need to build rapport with your interviewer. Demonstrating your enthusiasm for your work and the company will create a memorable bond that can score you interview points.  Give tangible examples of your knowledge and/or experience, show that you’re genuinely interested in working there, and – very importantly – smile! We’re always happy to offer advice on interview skills – call us before the big day on 020 8532 2644

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